Toronto, ON – As an alliance between workers, environmentalists and NGOs, we are encouraged by the Ontario government’s plan to put conservation first when determining how to meet the province’s energy needs.
Energy conservation is a prime example of why our alliance came together – to show that we don’t need to choose between a clean environment and a strong economy. If properly implemented, energy conservation helps cut emissions that cause climate change, protects the environment and creates good jobs.
We look forward to working with Ontario to map out an effective plan that puts conservation first – a plan that will spur local jobs, save people money and move us further toward a low-carbon, clean energy economy.
ABOUT BLUE GREEN CANADA: Blue Green Canada is an alliance between Canadian labour unions, environmental and civil society organizations to advocate for working people and the environment by promoting solutions to environmental issues that have positive employment and economic impacts.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Naomi Carniol, 416-323-9521 ext. 258; 416-570- 2878 (cell)